Project: Lighting Retrofit, Occupancy Sensor and Controls Project
kW Saved: 14.57
kWh Saved: 37,637
Annual Energy Savings: $5,395
Utility Incentive: $5,085
Project Cost: $65,153

The Harding Township Board of Education  hired Metro Energy Solutions to act as its energy consultant.  Metro Energy Solutions’ responsibilities included performing the audit and re-design of the lighting system in their school, preparing and administering bid specifications, procuring utility incentives, and managing the installation of the project. 

The project involved retrofitting over (300) inefficient lighting fixtures with new energy efficient equipment throughout the facilities.  Lighting control sensors were installed in the classrooms to maximize energy savings.  The project also involved installing a controls system for (15) unit ventilators to give the Harding Township Board of Education better control of their heating system while substantially reducing maintenance costs.

Metro Energy Solutions worked closely with the host electric utility for the Harding Township Board of Education, GPU, to capture financial incentives for the installation of the energy efficient equipment. 

Metro Energy is also working in conjunction with the Department of Energy’s Rebuild America Program to gain national recognition for its efforts.